
The main 3 types of blasting we provide are Shot Blasting, Garnet Blasting and Bead blasting.

We can provide other forms of blasting on request.

Shot Blasting

Shot blasting is a technological process of removing various impurities from different surfaces by using abrasion.
It is used for a surface protection and also as a pre-preparation of surfaces prior to further processing, such as welding, colouring, etc.

Sand Blasting

A sand blaster is a fantastic tool for preparing parts for operations such as powder coating.
It can remove rust, paint and other surface imperfections. It can also be used for aesthetic purposes,
like sandblasting glass with particular designs.

Bead Blasting

Bead blasting is the process of removing surface deposits by applying fine glass beads at a high pressure without damaging the surface.
It is used to clean calcium deposits from pool tiles or any other surfaces, remove embedded fungus, and brighten grout color.
It is also used in auto body work to remove paint.